Protecting You Or A Loved One From Nursing Home Neglect
Nursing homes are supposed to be places you can trust to help care for your family members. If you suspect that a family member is being neglected or even abused by nursing home employees, nurses or staff, contact the Evensen Law Office to protect the nursing home resident’s rights. My firm represents clients who have suffered injury, abuse or neglect in Kentucky nursing homes or assisted living facilities.
At times, patients in such facilities suffer injury due to the actions, or failure to properly act, of those charged with their care. If you or a loved one has been the victim of neglect or abuse in a Nursing Home, Personal Care Home, Assisted Living Facility or Long-Term Care Facility, you may have the right to recover for your injuries. Some examples of possible signs of neglect or abuse would be development of bedsores (pressure ulcers), falls, dehydration, broken bones, bruises, lacerations or cuts, and/or malnutrition.
Generally, there is a one (1) year’s statute of limitations to pursue a negligence claim against a Nursing Home or another Long-Term Care Facility, meaning the lawsuit against the facility must be filed within one year of the negligent act, or the right to recover is lost. One can recover for medical expenses associated with treatment of a condition caused by the neglect as well as for lost wages and for pain and suffering. If a nurse or nurse’s aide intentionally ignores the facility’s own policies and causes resident serious harm, a claim for gross negligence may be asserted, which may lead to an award of punitive damages.
Victim Of Nursing Home Neglect? I Can Fight For You; Contact Me Now
If you or a loved one has suffered injury through nursing home neglect, or other abuse in a nursing home or assisted living facility, call me at 502-309-3636 to discuss whether you have a valid claim and your potential right to recover damages. You may also reach me via email.